

About Horses

All breeds of domestic horses are direct descendants of wild animal species. There are two true wild breeds today: the Przewalski horse and the Asiatic wild horse. All other animals living in free meadows can be considered wild only conditionally. All of them at different times and for various reasons left the person, deciding to live independently.

You can distinguish domestic breeds of horses from wild ones by external signs. Natural varieties of animals do not have such an article, they are stocky, small in stature, with an untidy protruding mane.

Domestic horses have long lived side by side with humans. In the village, for keeping animals, a separate stall was always built - a stable. The room should be spacious enough, not stuffy. It will be easier for an animal to endure severe cold with a heating system.

Horses are not just beautiful and useful animals. They are distinguished by good learning, sharp mind, quick wit. Here are just a few interesting facts:

  • Horses have excellent memories. Animals for a long time remember various events, experienced joy, insults caused to them.
  • Due to the special configuration of the joints, horses are able to sleep standing up. For a good rest, the animal is enough for 4 hours of sleep.
  • An experienced specialist quite accurately determines the age of a horse by the condition of its teeth.
  • The hoof is essentially a large nail. It is constantly growing, in domestic individuals it is periodically cut off.
  • The bones of horses are incredibly strong, but when fractured, they grow together poorly, slowly.

The horse, without exaggeration, can be considered the closest ally of a person, his friend, a faithful assistant, an associate of progress. In nature, it is difficult to find an animal that has had the same impact on human history. This is a formidable combat unit, a trouble-free mode of transport, an indispensable worker in the field.